Gennady Podolsky is a travel expert and logistics specialist who has spent years helping clients find the services they require most. A graduate of Swarthmore College, Gennady Podolsky launched a tech-first travel company to integrate the technologies of the present with the skill set that he had curated from the past.
As a bespoke travel concierge, Podolsky must maintain his motivation and curiosity to create a balance that fulfills his needs while supporting his business. Gennady Podolsky took time to sit down with the team at Ideamensch to explore what made him motivated and what kept him curious about his work in the future.
Maintaining a Productive Day
First and foremost, Gennady Podolsky starts every day by attending to the needs of his clients. As a travel concierge, Podolsky understands that issues will potentially manifest for his clients. Podolsky says, “You can plan all you want, but client needs always drive schedules.”
Podolsky went on to explain that he has to focus on the immediate needs of his clients if something happens. Podolsky added, “I have to remain flexible and be immediately available to assist clients promptly. In times of travel disruption and emergencies, those take precedence.”
Once Podolsky feels like he has wrapped his arms around the most pressing concerns of his clients, he can move forward with the rest of the tasks he has laid out before him.
No matter what he has ahead of him, however, Podolsky doesn’t let the past weigh him down. Podolsky stated, “I have had my fair share of accomplishments and missteps. I own it. It makes me who I am.”
Creating Unique Ideas
More than just an innovator and an entrepreneur, Gennady Podolsky is a team player who likes to collaborate with like-minded individuals in a setting conducive to everyone’s talents. Podolsky wants to curate a team of skilled experts who share his vision and passion for the work ahead.
In his interview with Ideamensch, Podolsky stated, “It is important to have great collaborators who complement your strengths and weaknesses. I find Kolby’s principles helpful in building the right teams to make things happen.”
Podolsky understands that innovation and inspiration can come anywhere and anytime. To keep his mind open and his thoughts receptive, Podolsky likes to keep his ear to a podcast or his eyes on the latest science news.
As science and tech inspire and motivate Podolsky, the entrepreneur went on to add, “I am a big believer in technology and science and its potential to make our lives better, more streamlined, and generally more positive.”